Governor Cuomo has refused to CANCEL RENT during a pandemic that has led to an economic crisis. With many of us being laid off, we now have no money to pay the rent.
What does this mean for us in Ridgewood? We know many want to go on rent strikes or are simply unable to pay the rent and come May 1st, many more tenants will be feeling the burden that will come between choosing between paying the rent and paying for food and other necessities.
Private property is not more important than your well being. Our April tenant assembly will focus on how tenants in Ridgewood can get through the next few months if you’re unable to pay rent or go on a rent strike with your neighbors.
This month our April tenant assembly will be virtual! We understand that this unfortunately leaves a large chunk of tenants from being able to attend. Just know that we are thinking about how to make digital organizing more accessible to everyone. This assembly will also only be in English. As an all volunteer group that is unfunded (we have no office, no paid staff, no non-profit status) we have limited resources but again, we are thinking about all of these accessibility issues as we live through this pandemic that has left us isolated from one another. We know we will get through this together.
If you are free on Saturday at 2:30pm, please register at the link below for our April tenant assembly. If you have a housing rights question, feel free to e-mail us ahead of time at ridgewoodtenantsunion@gmail.com.